Today, our children are living in a complex age with manifold challenges. All information desired or not-so-desired is available at the click of a button. Moreover, nuclear families with both parents working, and with the cutthroat competition at its peak, in which life is defined by success and failure, our children are undergoing phenomenal emotional challenges. There is focus only on cognitive or physical development. Parents’ interactions with the children revolve mostly around academics, instructions, advice and expectations they have from their children. In such a situation, it becomes imperative for the school to empower its students to be emotionally strong and confident, apart from transforming them into lifelong willing learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an ever-changing global society.

Indraprastha SCHOOLS with the motto ‘Teach Each Child, Develop Whole Child’ have been established to fulfil the mission of transforming young minds into enthusiastic and emotionally strong future global citizens who are equipped with cardinal human values, understanding and compassion for others. A student harnessed in such an atmosphere will become a responsible, balanced and a mature adult. The holistic development of my students accompanied with their winning streaks fill my heart with joy and a sense of pride.


At Indraprastha, we not only focus on activity-based learning but also inculcate a scientific temper and a spirit of free objective enquiry. We constantly innovate our teaching methodology for making learning fun-filled so that our students become lifelong researchers. The children are exposed to various challenges of life in order to sharpen their concepts and skills, as challenges are not hurdles but are guidelines.


In the 21st century India, when industrial and economic development has drastically affected the climatic conditions, it is our duty to train the young generation, a new approach to 3Rs. We need to make the Gen-Y understand Relation with Self,Relation with the Society and Relation with the Environment apart from Read, wRite and aRithmetic. I quote Lord Krishna, “Do everything you have to do, but not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with love, compassion, humility and devotion.” Let the future leaders understand, that success does not mean to conquer the world, it certainly means to sacrifice personal interest and take care of the world and serve it with all sincerity. I am proud of my students and staff for making Indraprastha SCHOOLS as the best institutions imparting quality education


Dr. Rajesh Hassija
Managing Director